Pet AnimalsCat Breeds

Norwegian Forest Cat: Know About This Cat Breed Full Information

The Norwegian Forest cat is a Cat breed of domestic cat originating in Northern Europe. This natural breed has been adapted to very cold climates, with a top coat of long, shiny, water-shedding hair and a woolly undercoat for insulation.

The ancestors of the breed may be a land of short-haired cats brought to Norway by the Vikings around 1000 AD, who may also have brought long-haired cats, like the ancestors of the modern Siberian and Turkish Angora.

During World War II, the Norwegian Forest Cat was nearly extinct; Then the breeding program of the Norwegian Forest Cat Club increased the number of cats.

It was registered as a breed with the European Federation Internationale Feline in the 1970s when a cat fancier, Karl-Friedrich Norden, noticed the breed and made efforts to register it. The breed is very popular in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, and France.

It is a large, strong cat, similar to the Maine Coon breed, with long legs, a bushy tail, and a strong body. It is very good at climbing, partly due to its strong claws. The life span is usually 14 to 16 years. Kidney and heart diseases have been reported in the breed.

Specifically in this breed, complex rearrangements of the glycogen branching enzyme (GBE1) can cause a perinatal hypoglycaemic collapse and late juvenile-onset neuromuscular degeneration in glycogen storage disease type IV.

Vital Stats:

Life Span:
12 to 16 years
12 to 18 inches
13 to 22 pounds

History About Norwegian Forest Cat Breed:

Country of Origin: Norway

The Norwegian Forest Cat has been adapted to survive the cold climates of Norway. Its ancestors may include cold-adapted black and white British shorthair cats brought to Norway from Great Britain by the Vikings sometime after 1000 AD and long-haired cats brought to Norway by Crusaders in c.14th century.

These cats could be bred with farm and wild stock and eventually evolved into the modern Norwegian Forest breed. The Siberian and Turkish Angora, long-haired cats from Russia and Turkey respectively, are also likely ancestors of the breed.

Norse legends refer to Skogkat as “a mountain-dwelling fairy cat that other cats cannot manage.” Because the Norwegian Forest Cat is a very skilled climber, author Claire Besant believes that the Skogkat folktale may be about the ancestors of the modern Norwegian Forest breed.

The name Norse Skogkat is used by some breeders and fanatical organizations for the modern breed.

Most likely, the ancestors of the Norwegian forest cat served as ship cats (musers) on Viking ships. The original lands were inhabited by Norwegian forests for many centuries but were later prized for their hunting skills and used on Norwegian farms until they were discovered by cat enthusiasts in the early twentieth century.

Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Image:

The first organization dedicated to the breed, the Norwegian Forest Cat Club, was formed in Oslo, Norway, in 1938.

The club’s movement to preserve the breed was interrupted by World War II. Due to cross-breeding with free domestic cats during the war, the Norwegian Forest Cat became endangered and nearly extinct until the Norwegian Forest Cat Club helped the breed make a comeback by developing an official breeding program.

In the 1950s, King Olav V declared him the official cat of Norway. Since the cat did not leave Norway until the 1970s, it was not registered as a breed in the pan-EU Federation of Cat Registries Internationale Feline (FIF) until Norwegian cat fan Karl-Friedrich Norden.

Didn’t take notice. of the breed, and made efforts to register it. The breed was registered in Europe until the 1970s and by the American Cat Fanciers Association in 1994.

In 1978, it was recognized as an official breed in Sweden, and 1989, they were accepted as a breed by Norwegians in the United Kingdom. Cat Club of Britain.

The Norwegian Forest breed is very popular in Norway and Sweden. Since 2003, it has been the fifth most popular cat breed in France, with approximately 400 to 500 births per year.

The Need-to-know About This Cat:

  • Great for first-time cat owners
  • Requires a high level of enrichment including imitation hunting games and interactive games
  • highly active and inquisitive cat
  • sociable and dependent cat
  • little talkative cat
  • Large Stockier Cat Breed
  • needs grooming every day
  • Requires extensive outdoor space
  • Not ideal for family homes
  • can be left alone all day
  • great for a cozy home

Characteristics Of This Cat Breed:

Independent but affectionate, the Norwegian Forest Cat isn’t going to sleep on your lap all night, but it can get up occasionally for a while.

This is not to say that the Norwegian Forest Cat has an extraordinary personality – far from it. Norwegian Forest Cats are very attached to their humans and want to be involved in all aspects of family life. They will just be around instead of taking over you.

Norwegian Forest cats are curious, playful, and even-tempered, making them great companions for families with children.

They are friendly with respectable dogs and generally live happily with other cats as well.

Affection LevelMedium
Exercise NeedsMedium
Playfulness HighHigh
Energy LevelMedium
Tendency to VocalizeLow
Amount of SheddingMedium

The Personality of the Norwegian Forest Cat Breed:

The Norwegian Forest Cat is content to be in the same room with people and will entertain itself if there is no home. Although he appreciates human company, he can be a little reserved with visitors.

Even with family, he doesn’t like a lap cat, but a good scratch between the ears or under the chin is always welcome, and he usually does that with a good head butt or cheek rub will react. He communicates with classic Scandinavian restraint.

His quiet voice comes in handy only when he needs something – perhaps dinner on time – and only rises when he is neglected.

Not surprisingly, this large and athletic cat is a climber. You will often find him at the highest point he can reach in the house, and unlike some cats, he has no qualms about landing on trees or other heights.

Thanks to his heritage as a forest and farm cat, not to mention his waterproof coat, the Weggie thinks nothing of fishing a body of water for a good meal. Aquarium and koi pond denizens, beware! While he loves the outdoors, he is content to live quietly in a house.

This is a smart, independent cat that learns quickly and has an alert nature. He loves to play and thrive with a busy family that loves him.

Temperament of This Cat:

This breed is generally described as sociable, calm, and gentle. Norwegian Forest Cats are well suited to a variety of families and lifestyles and generally get on well with children and other animals.
These cats are intelligent and alert, and they love human connection and affection.

Although they crave attention, they are undemanding and like to let you come to them. In keeping with their docile nature, Veggies are a quiet breed and don’t behave much like a Siamese cat.

But when they meow, Kornreich says, their high-pitched meow sounds almost like chirping – a strange contrast to their larger frame.

The Norwegian Forest Cat personality is extremely family-oriented. They are playful, sweet, and generally accepting of their surroundings. This outgoing breed wants to be friends with everyone and loves to be hugged.

Health About Norwegian Forest Cat:

Norwegian Forest cats live to be 14-16 years old and are generally healthy pets. Kornreich says the biggest health risks to the Norwegian Forest Cat include:

Hip dysplasia: A condition where the ball-and-socket joint of the hip malfunctions, which can lead to arthritis if left untreated.
Patellaluxation: A condition in which the knee joint slips out of place, leaving the joint loose and unstable.
Cardiomyopathy: A type of cardiac muscle disease in which the microscopic structure of the heart is not normal.
Eosinophilic granuloma complex: A range of skin diseases that look red, raised bumps on the skin that may ulcerate and crust over. It is usually found in the lower abdomen or the inner part of the thigh, but in some cases can also be found on the cat’s face.

Glycogen storage disease type IV: A condition where glycogen is not successfully broken down into glucose to be used as fuel for important metabolic processes. Warning signs include frequent episodes of muscle tremors, muscle wasting, and falls, usually as a kitten.

Reputable Norwegian Forest Cat breeders will check for health issues in your kittens, but it is important to check them regularly into adulthood.

Take good care of your Norwegian Forest cat’s health by scheduling regular vet visits and seeking the advice of your cat’s veterinarian.

Coat Color & Grooming About This Cat Breed:

The Norwegian Forest Cat is notable for its long, thick, graceful coat and large size. The head has an inverted triangular shape, pointing towards the chin and then widening on each side towards medium to large ears, which are heavily tufted.

The large, almond-shaped eyes are green, gold, or copper, although white cats may have blue eyes or odd eyes (one blue eye and one eye of the other color). The moderately tall body looks powerful, with a broad chest and heavily muscular thighs.

The large rounded claws have tufts of fur between the toes. The bushy tail is as long as the body.

The weatherproof double coat varies in length. The “bib” begins with a small collar at the neck, “mutton chops” on the side, and a full frontal ruff. Full breeches – long hair on the thighs – cover the hind legs. The coat on the body is long and flowing, but it varies with the seasons.

In summer a Weggie looks relatively naked in comparison to its full winter glory. Except for a pointed pattern like chocolate, lavender lilac, or Siamese, the coat comes in almost every color and pattern, with or without white.

How to Care About Norwegian Forest Cat?

The Norwegian Forest Cat’s dense coat requires a thorough weekly brushing to keep tangles and mats at bay. Once a year in the spring, the Norwegian Forest Cat sheds most of its undercoat for the summer season when additional insulation is no longer needed.

Shedding can be heavy during this seasonal transition, so brush more often. At all other times of the year, the Norwegian Forest Cat sheds moderately.

In addition to brushing, bathe your Norwegian Forest Cat every few months, keep your nails short, and check your ears weekly, cleaning if necessary.

Norwegian forest cats are slow to mature, reaching full development at about five years of age. They are lively and playful in adulthood, but they are not obsessively active. Norwegian Forest Cats appreciate fun toys and are usually ready for a play session – on their terms.

Consider providing a cat tree or tower for climbing, perching, and scratching. Your cat will especially appreciate having your tree located near a window where she can satisfactorily watch squirrels and birds outside.

Which Types of Diet & Nutrition for This Cat Breed?

Norwegian Forest cats are reliably built, but they should never be fat. Keeping your Norwegian Forest cat lean is the best way to prevent weight-related health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and hip dysplasia, which can be linked to excess weight.

Feed your Norwegian Forest Cat at least twice a day in measured amounts. Do not skip meals throughout the day; Free-fed cats tend to snack more than necessary, which can lead to excess weight gain. Ask your vet or breeder for advice about healthy foods for your Norwegian Forest cat.

Needs For Living This Cat Breed:

This breed is slow to mature, which means it takes about five years for Norwegian Forest Cat kittens to develop into full adults. Because their maturity is longer than usual, owners need to enjoy the extended feline period of their pet’s life.

This feline behavior will manifest in a lot of play. They especially love to pounce and practice their hunting skills- an outlandish trait this pet breed still keeps.

Kornreich says it’s important to provide your Norwegian Forest cat with an outlet for his strong hunting instincts.

He recommends “toys that mimic rats, and even something as simple as a cat-approved feather toy, and dedicate five to 10 minutes each day to playing with them,” he says. Huh.

“It allows them to jump around and burn off energy, and take off their rocks, so to speak, in terms of their hunting behavior. And it’s good exercise for them, too.”

Children & Other Pets About Norwegian Forest Cat:

The friendly, comfy Norwegian Forest Cat is a perfect choice for families with kids and cat-friendly dogs. He loves the attention he receives from children who treat him with humility and respect, and he doesn’t mind playing dress-up or riding in a child’s buggy.

He is happy to be with other cats and feline-friendly dogs because of his sociable nature. Introduce pets slowly and under controlled conditions to ensure that they learn to live together.

Where About Adopt OR Buy a Norwegian Forest Cat:

Fun Facts About Norwegian Forest Cat:

  • Norwegian Forest cats are naturally the national cats of Norway.
  • This breed is depicted in Norse mythology as magical, with the ability to climb rock faces, and is favored by the Norse goddess Freya.
  • Since the veggie-loving goddess, Freya is a symbol of domestic life, many superstitions in Scandinavian culture associate cats and marriage, one that says women who love cats will marry, and another that says your cats should be married. Feeding well will guarantee a sunny wedding day.

More Cat Breeds and Further Research:

Norwegian Forest Cat Review:

FAQs About Norwegian Forest Cat:

How big do Norwegian forest cats get?

Full-grown male Norwegian forest cats grow to be about 16 pounds; females usually weigh closer to 12 pounds.

How much do Norwegian forest cats cost?

Price varies depending on availability and location, but expect to pay from $600 and $1,200 for your Norwegian forest kitten.

When do Norwegian forest cats stop growing?

Norwegian forest cats don’t reach their full size till they’re nearly five years old.

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