Pet AnimalsCat Breeds

Siberian Cat: All You Need to Know About the Adorable

The Siberian Cat is a centuries-old land of domestic cats in Russia and has recently developed into a formal breed with standards promulgated around the world since the late 1980s.

Siberians vary in size from medium to medium-large. The formal name of the breed is Siberian Forest Cat, but it is more commonly referred to as Siberian or Siberian Cat. Another formal breed name is the Moscow Semi-Longhair (Moscow cat breed).

The cat is an ancient breed that is now believed to be the ancestor of all modern long-haired cats.

The cat has similarities with the Norwegian forest cat, to which it is probably closely related. It is a natural breed of Siberia and the national cat of Russia. Although it began as a landrace, it is today selectively bred and pedigree in at least seven major cat fancier and breeder organizations.

The color print version of the breed is called the Neva Masquerade by some registries, including the Fédération Internationale Feline.

The Siberian produces less Fel d1 than other cat breeds and, while it certainly isn’t a whole lot, it is often said to be hypoallergenic.

A research study of Siberian cats native to the region of Russia confirmed that subjects produced less Fel d 1 than non-Siberian cats.

Breed Overview & Siberian cat life expectancy

WEIGHT: 15 to 20 pounds
LENGTH / Siberian cat size: 17 to 25 inches
COAT: Varies from coarse to soft; moderately long to longhaired triple coat with a full collar ruff
COAT COLOR: Any color combination or pattern
EYE COLOR: All colors
lifespan: 10 to 18 years

History Of Siberian Cat

orange siberian cat

The Siberian cat was first mentioned in an 1892 book by Harrison Weir, who organized and wrote some of the earliest cat shows in England.

A Siberian cat is shown to me by Mr. Castang of Leadenhall Market; The breed is completely new to me. It is a small gray-blue female cat, quite short in body and legs; The head is smaller and more rounded, while the ears are medium size.

the iris of the eyes is a dark golden color, which, in contrast to the blue color of the fur, makes them even more voluminous; The tail is short and thick, very high at the base, and abruptly pointed at the tip.

It is particularly timid and wild in its nature, and it is difficult to get near; But, as Mr. Castang observed, this cowardice is “because it does not understand our language and does not know when it is spoken or spoken.” I think it would make a valuable cat cross with some of the English varieties. -  Harrison Wear, Our Cats and All About Them, 1892 ed.

Siberians first arrived in the United States in 1990. Although increasing in popularity, the expense of importing cats from Russia keeps the breed relatively rare outside of Europe.

In the Russian Cat Fancy, each cat club formulates its own cat standards. This fact caused much confusion in the Americas and other countries when the first Siberians were arriving and many appeared quite different from each other depending on which region of Russia they originated from.

One of the earliest written Siberian standards was promoted by the Kotofi Cat Club in St Petersburg in 1987.

characteristics of Siberian cats

Affection LevelHigh
Exercise NeedsMedium
Energy LevelMedium
Tendency to VocalizeLow
Amount of SheddingMedium

Personality Of Siberian Cat | Siberian cat personality

siberian cat lifespan

Siberians are affectionate cats with a good dose of personality and playfulness. They are amenable to handling, and it is noted that Siberians have a fascination with water, often leaving toys in their pots of water or checking bathtubs before drying them out.

Siberians seem to be very intelligent, with the ability to problem-solve to get what they want.

Despite their size, they are very agile and are great jumpers, able to leap tall bookcases in a single bound. Siberians are very people-oriented and need to be near their owners. They’ll meet you at the door when you get home and tell you about their day, and want to hear about you.

Siberians are talkative but not nearly as talkative as eastern breeds; They express themselves using quiet meows, trills, chirps, and lots of motorboat-type thunder. They love to sit on your lap while they are being groomed, an activity they particularly enjoy.

Another favorite game is fetching a toy for you to throw around over and over – and over and over again. They love toys of all kinds – and will make a toy out of just about anything.

Nature shows on TV with chirping birds or squeaking rats will make your Siberians run; They will keep a gentle foot on the screen and try to capture the fluttering images.

Physical Attributes Of Siberian Cat

all white siberian cat

Body: The body is of medium length, and well-muscled with the back being slightly more arched than the shoulders, a barrel-shaped, firm abdomen giving the feeling of solid weight. A medium belly pad or familial pouch on the lower part of the abdomen is acceptable. Boning enough. Muscle enough, powerful.

Ear: Medium-large, rounded, broad at the base, and sloping slightly forward. The ears should be set on the sides of the head as much as on the top. The hair behind the ears is short and thin. From the middle of the ear, the decoration lengthens and covers the base of the ear. Ear tipping is allowed.

Eyes: Medium to large, almost round. The outer corner is slightly inclined towards the base of the ear. Eyes should be more than one eye width apart and should be open, alert, and expressive. There is no relationship between eye color and coat/color pattern except for blue-eyed color points.

The eye color should be green, gold, green-gold, or copper. White cats and white cats can have blue or contrasting.

Feet and Toes: Legs of medium length. The legs should be slightly longer with the hind legs than the front legs. Feet are large and rounded, and toes are desirable.

Tail: Medium in length, slightly shorter than body length. It should be wide at the base, without bulges or kinks, evenly and broadly furnished, tapering slightly to a blunt tip.

Layer: Medium long to long-haired cat with a triple coat. The hair on the shoulder blades and the lower part of the chest should be thick and slightly shorter. Abundant full collar ruff closes the head in adults. Allow for warm weather coats. The hair may be coarse to curl on the belly and breech, but a wavy coat is not characteristic. The texture varies from coarse to soft, varying by color. Has a tight undercoat, which thickens in cold weather.

Siberian Cat color Chart: Since Siberians are a natural breed, they come in all colors, including blue-eyed spots. A rainbow of colors includes, but is not limited to, brown, red, blue, silver, white, black, and any combination of these colors. They come in solid, spotted, ticked, mackerel, and classic Siberian Cat patterns.


Siberian cats are highly affectionate and have playful personalities. These cats mature very slowly, both physically and emotionally. It can take up to five years for Siberians to reach adulthood, which means they spend a significant part of their lives acting like kittens.

Despite their youthful outlook, Siberian cats are generally very sweet and calm. When they make noise, they will likely purr or chirp a little to express some affection toward their favorite people.

Speaking of Favorites: The Siberian is very much loved by everyone. You can count on this family pet to get along well with children and other animals.

“They are generally good cats and they have personalities all over the board,” Kranz says. “Since they are a rare breed, we probably only see a couple a year and they are sweet temperament cats. You can expect them to be moderately active, gentle with a personality like any pet Cat.”

These cats love adventure and challenge. They are also excellent mousers who like to scour the premises for strange rodents. When they are not playing and hunting, these cuddly lap cats love to spend some one-on-one time with their people.


These medium-sized cats were certainly made for their environment in the forests of snowy Siberia. Siberian cats have long, triple-layered, water-resistant coats and strong, muscular bodies that seem heavy for their size.

Their thick coat of long hair comes in any number of colors including solid white, black, red, blue, and silver. They come in a variety of patterns, including smoke, point, calico, tabby, tortoiseshell, and bi-color.

Siberian cats usually have golden, green, or copper eyes, although white Siberian cats may have blue eyes.

With all that hair, it’s amazing that these cats shed a lot. Twice a year Siberian cats actually molt: in the spring, this breed sheds their long, warm winter coat, and in the fall they shed a short summer coat.

Despite all that shedding, according to the Siberian Cat Club (SCC), Siberian cats are actually considered “hypoallergenic” because their skin produces less of the chemicals associated with cat allergies.

However, there is no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic pet, and Kirsten Kranz, director of Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue, says it’s important to know that these cats are not suited for everyone with allergies.

“Although some people find relief from cat allergies with this breed, every year we meet Siberians [at shelters] who are unable to tolerate them because of their allergies,” she says. “Allergies vary greatly from person to person and these cats are no panacea.”

If you are considering bringing home a Siberian kitten, spend time with the breed first to see how your allergies handle them.

Needs For Living

siberian cat baby

Siberian cats are super social animals that like their humans and generally do not like to be left alone for very long. These pets are best suited to a household where humans are usually around and are willing to engage in play.

The Siberian gets along with almost everyone and is very well-suited to households with children and other pets.

These intelligent cats love a challenge, so their living environment should offer them toys and people to keep these fluffy cats active and entertained.

When Siberian cats are not playing and moving around, they are more than happy to crawl on your lap and rest for a while.

These rugged cats were built for the outdoors and have retained some of those qualities. For example, many Siberian cats love water – so don’t be surprised if your cat follows you into the shower or bath to play! He will also love exploring the world in a harness or sitting in the sun out of his proportions.

Siberian Cat Care

Natalie L. “Siberians need to be brushed at least three times per week to prevent a matted coat,” says Marks, DVM, CVJ, Blum Animal Hospital, Chicago, Ill. “They rarely need to be bathed because they have a triple coat that is water resistant.”

In addition to regular brushing, be sure to trim your Siberian nails regularly. You should also clean his ears and eyes regularly.

Keeping your body moving and mind engaged is as important as brushing. Leaving toys out, providing them with a cat tree, and offering lots of playtimes one after another is a great ways to get these cats moving and thinking.

“They are very athletic and need both physical and mental exercise,” Marks says.
Siberian cats are incredibly smart and are easily trained to use a scratching post and litter box. Because these cats are somewhat on the large end of medium size, make sure their litter box is large enough for them to comfortably do their business.

You can even train your Siberian to do a trick or two!
These animals are fairly easy to socialize with, thanks to their loving personalities. Again, Siberian cats get on well with children, other cats, and dogs.

Feed your Siberian high-quality cat food and monitor their food intake to help prevent overeating. Check with your vet to find out how much and how often to feed your individual cat.

Adopt or Buy a Siberian Cat

You may be able to find a purebred Siberian cat through a breeder in your area, but if you want to adopt from a rescue organization, look into:

About Health

Siberian cats have a lifespan of 8-10 years and are generally healthy pets.

“The biggest genetic risk with this breed is a slightly higher risk of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, otherwise known as HCM,” Marks says. “It’s a condition in which the heart muscle becomes enlarged and becomes less functional.”

Reputable breeders will screen for health problems in your kitten, but it is important that they be tested regularly into adulthood. HCM and other health problems may go undetected until later in your cat’s life.

Common Health Problems

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a form of heart disease that causes thickening of the heart muscle, is more prevalent in some breeds, including the Siberian. Mutations of several hearts (heart) genes have been identified in some cats with the disease, which suggests that genetics plays a role.

Responsible breeders screen their cats for the disease to avoid breeding affected cats and passing it on to future generations.

Diet and Nutrition

Work with your veterinarian to choose the best food for your Siberian cat. Although dry food is convenient, canned food has fewer carbs and a lot of moisture.

Most cats do not drink enough water, which can affect their overall health, including the health of their kidneys. Eat measured meals two to three times a day at the prescribed time.

Don’t skip meals throughout the day, as this can contribute to an overweight cat.

Potentially hypoallergenic for some allergy sufferers
Affectionate, playful, and energetic; gets along well with children and other animals
Can handle cold weather and loves water sports
Long hair requires more grooming than other cats; sheds winter coat in warmer months
meow, chirp, and trill

Best Food for Siberian Kittens

Like other large breed cats, Siberians take up to 5 years to reach full maturity, although they will transition to adult cat food before that. During their early formative years, however, they require kitten food that provides essential nutrients for healthy growth and development, such as Pro Plan Kitten Chicken and Rice Formula.


Facts About Siberian Cat

  • The Siberian cat appears in Russian fairy tales, folktales, and children’s books.
  • Records about the breed were not kept until the 1980s, although references to the feline date back to AD 1,000. They may also be the ancestors of other long-haired cats, including the Norwegian Forest Cat and Maine Coon.
  • They are sometimes referred to as Siberian Forest Cats or Moscow Longhairs.
  • There are claims that Siberians are hypoallergenic, but this has not been scientifically proven.

Siberian cat Review

Siberian Cat FAQ:

How much does a Siberian cat cost?

Siberian kittens typically cost between $1,200 and $4,000, depending on pedigree and age. Why the high price tag? This breed is expensive due to their high demand and the relatively small number of pure Siberian cats outside Russia – so they are not sold in the U.S. and are very rare.

Do Siberian cats make good pets? / are Siberian cats good for first-time owners

In terms of affection, they are devoted, but not clingy. Siberians will follow you from room to room but wait patiently until you have time to hug. They don’t mind noise or strangers as much as most cats, and if introduced properly, they are happy to get along with children, dogs, and just about any other person living in your home.

Are Siberian cats good indoor cats?

Siberian cats are high-energy and very playful, but as long as we have plenty to keep us entertained and plenty of mental stimulation to reach out to, indoor cats can be very happy – keeping them safe and the outdoors. There are some great catios to savor, which is important for their mental health.

Do Siberian cats shed a lot?

Despite their long and bountiful coats, Siberian cats actually shed less hair than many other breeds and are considered hypoallergenic. They can grow to be quite large, with little due in no small part to their outer fur, and can be very agile despite their size.

hypoallergenic catscats for allergies
allergy catsallergic to cats
cats allergiescats with allergies
Siberian kittenSiberian forest cat

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