The Pixie Bob may be a cat with a stocky, strong construct. Taking after the North American Catamount in smaller than expected, the Pixiebob includes a strong body, pear-molded confront with tufted ears, and a wooly coat that stands out from the body.
The Pixiebob regularly encompasses a brief, indeed nonexistent tail; however, this changes from cat to cat, and they can have any length of tail.
Pixiebobs are ordinarily haired; be that as it may, long-haired cats do happen; this can be one of the few breeds that permit polydactyl (additional toes) inside the breed standard—a most extreme of seven toes is allowed on each paw.

Pixie-bob Lifespan: 13-15 Years
Weight: 3.6-7.7 Kg
Pixie-bob Cat Colors: The coat may be a tan to a ruddy brown, with a dark-spotted design closely taking after that of the wildcat.
Table of Contents
Pixie Bob History
Carol Ann Brewer, the breed originator, obtained a short-tailed, polydactyl (additional toes) male spotted cat in 1985. Without further ado after that, she embraced a male protective cat that was outstandingly huge and conjointly had a weaved tail. Rumor said that this cat was the item of a mating between a residential cat and a wildcat. The cat mated with a neighbor’s brown, dark-striped cat, creating a litter of cats. Brewer received one of the female cats with a spotted, “wild” appearance and named it Pixie.
Over the following few years, Brewer looked for out cats with bounced tails and spots, especially those rumored to be the items of matings between residential cats and bobcats. Inevitably, she had 23 of these cats, which she utilized as the establishment for her modern breed, named Pixie-Bob in honor of her, to begin with the female. Brewer trademarked the term “legend cats” to portray cats she accepted as blends of bobcats and household cats. In any case, DNA testing has not demonstrated that these cats genuinely have wildcat genes.
The Pixie-Bob breed was accepted into the Universal Cat Affiliation as a local modern breed in 1993 and for championship status in 1997. The breed was acknowledged by the American Cat Fanciers Association in 2005.
The Universal Cat Association’s designation of the Pixie-bob as a “local modern breed” implies that it may be a breed that has been distinguished as hereditarily comparative people from a happening populace innate to a specific geographic locale. In any case, although the TICA standard cites the likeness to the American bobcat, the founding committee is adamant that no captive American bobcats be used in any breeding program.
Pixie Bob Personality

Social and dynamic, the Pixiebob gets along well with human and pet family individuals alike. Emphatically given to their individuals, typically an inquisitive and clever cat who will truly cherish getting included in the family movement, whether that’s recording charge returns or making the bed, as a Pixiebob cherishes to ‘help’. Despite this accommodating nature, the Pixiebob is very laid-back, getting a charge out of lap time and cuddling in bed. They can too be very chatty, communicating in an arrangement of chirrups, chirps, beeps, and protests.
Pixie Bob Best Care Tips
Pixie Bob Grooming
Pixie-bobs come in longhair and shorthair forms. The shorthair includes a thick twofold coat, whereas the longhair’s coat is up to 2 inches in length with a gentler, silkier surface. Both sorts can shed very a bit. To keep shedding under control and avoid mats or hairballs, you should brush your Pixie-Bob at least twice a week by week, employing an elastic or metal brush planned for the length of your cat’s fur.
Keep your cat’s nails trimmed and give a scratching post. Offer assistance to keep up great verbal cleanliness by brushing your cat’s teeth frequently.
Pixie Bob Exercise Best Tips
The pixie-bob is portrayed as dog-like in identity. These cats can be leash-trained effortlessly and love to require strolls with their people. Give a bounty of intuitive cat toys and spend time playing along with them to keep it worked out and rationally fortified. Your pixiebob will too appreciate one or more cat trees with a bounty of varied-level roosts for climbing, jumping, and investigating.
Read About Pixie Bob Temperament
Health Problems in Pixie Bob Cat

Pixie-bobs are effectively outcrossed to supply genetic diversity, and they don’t appear to have any specific well-being issues that might emerge with inbreeding. They are inclined to the regular conditions and maladies that influence any residential cat, of course.
You ought to give the prescribed well-being care for your cat, counting immunizations, preventative veterinary medications, and checkups. Breeders ought to be able to supply documentation of well-being checks for their cats.
Pixie bob Appearance
Much like bobcats, pixie bobs have a strong, rangy appearance with a wooly coat standing up from the body. Their hide is light to medium brown, regularly with a ruddy tint. They are decorated in a signature dark-striped cat design with a blend of spots and stripes. The spots are particularly articulated on the stomach. Their eye color can be brilliant brown or green, agreeing with the breed standard.
These cats frequently have lynx-tipped ears, and most wear a few levels of “lamb chop” sideburns. Their tails, as the title infers, are normally weaved, with a length of 2 inches, but not like the cat’s cells, which are the “knees” of the rear legs.
The Pixie-Bob is one of the few breeds that permits polydactyl toes within the breed standard, with a most extreme of seven toes per paw. Regularly, cats have five toes on each front paw and four toes on each rear paw.
Pixie-bobs shed a reasonable sum, and they are not a hypoallergenic breed.
Diet & Nutrition
Pixie-bobs don’t have any uncommon wholesome prerequisites. Whether you give damp nourishment, dry nourishment, or a combination may be a choice.
A few cats do not drink sufficient water and require damp nourishment to supply liquids. Your cat’s teeth can benefit from a few crunchy, dry nutrients. Weight will decrease the life expectancy of any cat, so be beyond any doubt to screen your cat’s calorie admissions, however.
Pixie-bobs are expansive cats, but they ought to be strong, not fat. Your cat’s digestion system and overall health will alter all through its life. Talk about your cat’s wholesome needs together with you at each visit to induce suggestions for nourishing plans, sorts of nourishment, and sum to nourish.
Adoption Center
Pixie-bobs are a reasonably uncommon breed, so it isn’t frequently that one will end up in a protection or shield. Still, it’s continuously beneficial to check your neighborhood salvages in case one turns up. You’ll be able to seek Pixie-Bob breeders at cat appears or by looking online for catteries specializing in this breed.
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FAQ About Pixie Bob
Are pixie bobs rare?

This could be an uncommon breed and still very unused. You won’t discover numerous Pixie-bobs outside the Joined Together States, and you might ought to look to discover one indeed inside the US. Look online for breeders or visit cat appears if you trust to purchase one of these short-tailed cats.
How much does a Pixie-Bob cat cost?

Like numerous other exceptional but alluring purebred cats, a show-quality Pixie-Bob can fetch well over $1,000. In any case, breeders in some cases offer “pet quality” cats for a much lower price.
Are Pixie-Bob cats truly wild bobcats?

Whereas pixie bobs do without a doubt take after bobcats and are rumored to have catamount qualities in their foundation, DNA testing has not affirmed this to be genuine. Still, these cats unquestionably bring a touch of the wild into their homes.
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