Pet AnimalsCat Breeds

Birman Cat: Characteristics, Care and more information

The Birman cat, also called the “Sacred Cat of Burma,” is a domestic cat breed. The Birman is a long-haired, color-pointed cat distinguished by a silky coat, dark blue eyes, and contrasting white “gloves” on each paw.

The genus name is derived from Birmani, the French form of Burma. The Burman breed was first recognized in France in 1925 by the Cat Club de France, then in England in 1966 by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), and in the United States by the Cat Fanciers’ Association in 1967. It was recognized by the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) in 1979. ) and is also recognized by the International Cat Association (TICA).

  • Origin: Unknown; possibly Burma
  • Height: About 15 to 18 inches
  • Weight: 22.7-5.4 kg
  • Lifespan: 12 – 16 years

Birman cat characteristics

Birman cat characteristics

Friendly and social, the Birman is a sweet and gentle cat that gets along with almost everyone, including other cats and dogs. In fact, Burmans are so social that they hate being alone. Bringing two Burmese kittens home is recommended, especially if you work outside the home so that they always have a friend to cuddle and hang out with.

Birmans are patient and tolerant cats, making them wonderful playmates for children who handle them gently and with respect. They are playful and curious and tend to follow you around every room so they can “help” you with whatever you do.

Energy: 2Point
Playful: 4Point
Independent: 2Point
Meowing: 1Point
Shedding: 3Point
Birman kittens

Birman cat History

Birman History

Birman cats are an ancient breed, believed to have originated in Burma (which is now Myanmar). They are believed to have been temple cats and companions for Kittah priests, according to the National Birman Fanciers. According to legend, when a priest dies, his spirit flows into his faithful cat before passing on to the next life. Birmans are sometimes called the sacred cat of Burma.

According to The Burman Cat Club of Australia, the Burman’s grand entrance into the West is somewhat obscure. But it is generally accepted that a pair of cats, one male, and one female, were sent to France in the early 1900s. The male died during the voyage, but the pregnant female named Sita survived and gave birth to a kitten named Paupi de Mandalore.

By 1925, Bermans were recognized by the Feline Francaise Federation. But World War II devastated the breed, and when hostilities ended, only two Birman cats remained in France. Over time, however, the race was reborn. By 1967, the Birman breed was recognized in the U.S. The Birman breed is still popular today—rightfully so because of the cats’ beauty and sweet nature.


Birman has a round head, short legs, and broad paws. His paws are always white and his eyes are always blue. Their beautiful, dense coat does not mat because they do not have an undercoat. Their coats can be seal-pointed, blue-pointed, chocolate-pointed, or lilac-pointed. Points mean that a cat’s fur is lighter on the body but darker on the face, ears, tail, and legs. These areas are called points.


The Burmancat has a very docile and peace-loving character. It is said to be one of the easiest cat breeds. However, they still like to be at the center of everything and like to be involved in anything that goes on in their homes. They love to be bathed in admiration for their magnificent fur, and enjoy lots of love and attention.


Birmans are loving, gentle, and loyal companions and have an air of dignity that invites adoration from their families. As former temple cats, Birmans seem to be accustomed to worship. They are very intelligent and loving, according to some, they are often very people-oriented. They will usually greet visitors with curiosity rather than fear. Because of their docile nature, Burmans are generally easy to handle, care for, and make ideal pets for anyone who wants calm companions that provide love and affection.

Birman cat Health

Birman Health

We know that because you care so much about your cat, you want to take great care of it. That’s why we’ve summarized the health concerns we’ll discuss with you about Birman’s life. By learning about common health concerns in Birmans, we can help you create a personalized preventative health plan and hopefully prevent some of the more predictable risks in your pet.

Many diseases and health conditions are genetic, meaning they are related to your pet’s breed. The conditions we will describe here have a significant rate of occurrence or a particularly strong effect on this breed, according to the general consensus among feline geneticists and veterinary practitioners. This does not mean that your cat will have these problems, just that he may be at greater risk than other cats. We’ll describe the most common problems found in Birmans to give you an idea of ​​what may lie ahead. Of course, we can’t cover every possibility here, so always check with us if you notice any unusual signs or symptoms.

This guide includes important health information for all cats as well as genetic predisposition information for Birmans. The information here can help you and your pet’s healthcare team plan together for your pet’s unique medical needs. At the end of the article, we’ve also included a description of what you can do at home to keep your met cat looking and feeling its best. We hope this information helps you know what to look for and that we all feel better knowing that we are taking the best care of your friend possible.

Alexandre Birman

Birman Care

Looking at the Birman’s long coat, you might think that the breed requires a lot of grooming. In fact, caring for the coat is quite easy. It is a single coat, so there is no undercoat to brush and the silky coat texture helps it resist matting and only needs weekly brushing with a soft slicker brush. Keep your Berman’s nails short and look inside the ears weekly. If you notice small amounts of dirt or wax in the ears, use a pet ear cleaner and a cotton ball to clean the ears. If your Birman’s ears appear red or very dirty, schedule an appointment to see your veterinarian.

Birmans love to follow you around the house and are always ready for a play session. Bring out a few fun toys, such as feather sticks, balls, and toy mice, to engage your Barman in play sessions a few times a day. Objects to climb and sit on, such as cat trees, cat-friendly bookshelves, and kitty condos, also help encourage exercise. Set up a few scratching zones in the house with vertical scratchers and horizontal scratchers.

Best Food For

  • Hill’s Prescription Diet y/d with Chicken Wet Cat Food
  • Hill’s Prescription Diet y/d Chicken Flavor Dry Cat Food
  • Hill’s Science Diet Adult Chicken Recipe Cat Food
  • Hill’s Science Diet Adult Ocean Fish Entrée Cat Food
  • Hill’s Science Diet Adult Healthy Cuisine Roasted Chicken & Rice Medley Cat Food


Every cat is unique and each has its own unique likes, dislikes, and needs when it comes to food. However, cats are carnivores and every cat must obtain 41 different and specific nutrients from their food. The amount of these nutrients varies based on age, lifestyle, and overall health, so it’s no surprise that a growing, energetic kitten needs a different balance of nutrients in its diet than a less active senior cat. Other things to keep in mind are feeding the right amount of food to maintain the ‘ideal body condition’ according to feeding guidelines and catering to individual preferences regarding wet or dry cat food recipes. Learn more about cat feeding guidelines with our article.


The Burman cat’s coat is soft and silky but not as hard to handle as the Persian’s. However, to help keep it that way, it needs to be groomed once a week with a comb and brush. Birman cats groomed from an early age enjoy the extra human attention this regular activity brings. Remember that a greasy coat can be evidence that your cat is no longer trying to groom itself, which can be an indicator of poor or failing health. Like all cats, Bermans benefit from regular vaccinations, parasite control, and annual veterinary feline health checks.

Birman training and exercise

Adoption Centre (Birman cats for sale)

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Birman FAQs

Birman Cat Price in America (cat price)?

A Birman cat in the United States can cost between $30 and $3,000, depending on whether you adopt or buy from a breeder. Purebred Birman cats are more expensive, with some breeders charging over $1,000.

Are Birman cats good pets?

A typical Birman cat’s personality is loving, friendly, gentle, and curious. Because they have such an easygoing and kind demeanor, these cats are a wonderful choice for families with children or families with other cats or dogs.

Are Birman cats high maintenance?

A Birman may spend a few minutes a day as a lap cat, but don’t expect them to stick around for very long. A Birman cat would make an excellent pet for many people. Apart from their coat, they are not high maintenance, and they love to spend time with their family.

What is the difference between a ragdoll and a Birman?

Ragdolls have plush fur, while Birman cats are silky with almost no undercoat. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference by looking, but it’s easy to recognize when you love each cat. The difference in size is most noticeable.

Are Birman cats rare?

However, that doesn’t mean they don’t make great family companions. Birmans are a relatively rare cat breed, so you need to get your name on a waiting list with a registered and reputable breeder as soon as possible. Always research Burman breeders before you commit to getting a cat or kitten.

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