Bengal Cat Size, Adoption, Personality, Price & Kitten Special Food
It is important to remember that cats of any breed can suffer from health problems throughout their lives. A good pet insurance plan can help prepare you to give your cat the care it needs at any age.
Vital Stats:
Life Span: 10 to 16 years | Length: 17 to 22 inches tall not including | Origin: USA | Weight: 8 to 17 pounds |
With its distinctive spotted coat and large size, the Bengal looks like a wild cat, but although one of its ancestors is a small, wild Asian leopard cat (leopard print cat breed), it is a domestic cat.
Bengals take their name from Felis bengalensis, the scientific name for the Asian leopard cat. They were created through a cross between an Asian Leopard Cat which could be purchased at pet stores in the 1950s and 1960s.
Jean Mill, a breeder in California, was the first to create such a cross, but not because he wanted to create a new breed.
Bengal Cat Image

She had acquired a leopard cat and allowed her to live with a black tom cat so that she would not be left alone. To her surprise, since she did not think the two species would mate, kittens resulted, and Mill kept a single female. Taking her back to her father produced spotted and solid kittens.
Around the same time, Dr. Willard Centerwall was crossing Asian leopard cats with domestic cats at Loyola University. Leopard cats were resistant to the feline leukemia virus, so researchers were interested in finding out whether this trait could be passed on to the hybrid offspring.
Various breeders showed interest in developing the cats as a breed. Mill was one of them. Changes in her life had caused her to give up having a cat, but she was ready to start all over again. She had obtained some hybrids of Dr. Centerwall and searched for suitable males to breed them.
One was an orange domestic shorthair found all over India, and the other was a brown-spotted tabby obtained from a shelter.
Bengals are known to be the same as domestic cats today, and any Bengals purchased must be at least four generations removed from any ancestors with wild bloodlines.
The first cat association to recognize the Bengal was The International Cat Association, which granted experimental status to the breed in 1983, followed by full recognition in 1991.
The Bengal is also recognized by the American Cat Fanciers Association, the Canadian Cat Association, and United Felines. organization.
Bengal cats are so in demand that a British woman paid more than $50,000 for her Bengal cat in 1990, dubbing them the “Rolls Royce” of feline companions.
Breed Characteristics
Adaptability – 5 Points | Energy Level – 5 Points |
Shedding Level – 3 Points | Affection Level – 5 Points |
Grooming – 1 Point | Social Needs – 5 Points |
Child Friendly – 4 Points | Health Issues – 3 Points |
Stranger Friendly – 3 Points | Dog Friendly – 5 Points |
Intelligence – 5 Points |
Did You Know?
Seal sepia, seal lynx, and seal mink Bengals with color patterns that have a pale white or cream background are known as “snow” Bengals.
Bengals are a lot of fun to live with, but they are certainly not a cat for everyone or for first-time cat owners. Highly intelligent, curious, and active, they demand lots of interaction and tend to annoy an owner who doesn’t provide it. If you won’t be at home during the day to entertain your Bengal, plan to have two of them or don’t have one.
When a Bengal is bored, he is able to take things apart to see how they work and open drawers and cabinets to see what interesting toys or food may be available to him.
Bengal loves its people and will do anything to get their attention. If he finds out that you don’t like something he does – for example, jumping on the kitchen counter – he will start doing this all the time because it will grab your attention and force you to interact with him. He also likes to take things and hide. Keep your jewelry in a place where they can’t find it.

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Each cat is an individual, but most Bengals get along well with other pets, including dogs. They are best suited to homes with older children who will enjoy playing with them, but as long as they have a way to escape from children, they should do well with them.
This is a cat that needs a lot of vertical territories. Bengals love to climb, the higher the better. Provide them with tall cat trees and window perches. He also loves to play in the water. Don’t be surprised if your Bengal wants to join you in the shower or bathtub.
You can also install a motion-sensitive faucet in your bathroom or kitchen to turn the water on and off yourself. If that’s not on your agenda, he’ll appreciate having a pet fountain for drinking. They are also highly intelligent and enjoy the attention that comes with being clicker-trained.
always choose a kitten from a breeder who raises litter in the home and handles them from an early age. Meet at least one and ideally both parents to make sure they have a good temperament.
Know About Bengal Cat Health
All cats have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all people have the potential to inherit diseases. Any breeder who claims that his breed has no health or genetic problems is either lying or is not knowledgeable about the breed.
Do not run, walk to a breeder who does not guarantee the health of kittens, who tells you that the breed is 100 percent healthy and has no known problems, or who tells you that her kittens are major The part is separated from the household for health reasons.
Bengals do have hereditary health issues that can be a concern, especially if you are not careful about who you buy from. One possible condition is polycystic kidney disease, but DNA tests are now available to help remove affected cats from the breeding pool.
Bengals may be more prone to certain infectious diseases such as feline infectious peritonitis and Trichomonas fetida, a protozoal infection that causes diarrhea. Responsible breeders take steps to identify or avoid these problems.
Remember that when you bring a new kitten into your home, you have the power to protect him from one of the most common health problems: obesity.
Keeping a Bengal at an appropriate weight is one of the easiest ways to protect their overall health. Make the most of your preventative abilities to help ensure a healthy cat for life.
Basics of Bengal Cat Grooming
Bengals have a short, luxurious, soft coat that is easy to care for with a weekly brushing. He’ll crave attention, and you’ll get fewer dust bunnies and hairballs around the house if you brush him more often.
The rest is basic care. Trim nails as needed, usually weekly. Check the ears every week for redness or a foul odor that could indicate an infection. If the ears look dirty, wipe them down with a cotton ball dampened with a gentle cleanser recommended by your vet.
Brush his teeth frequently at home with vet-approved pet toothpaste and perform veterinary cleanings as needed. Begin brushing, nail-biting, and teeth brushing early so that your kitten can accept this activity.
The Bengal’s short, thick coat is easily cared for with a weekly comb to remove dead hair and distribute skin oils. Bathing is rarely necessary.

Brush your teeth to prevent periodontal disease. Daily dental hygiene is best, but weekly brushing is better than nothing. Trim nails every two weeks. Wipe the corners of the eyes with a soft, damp cloth to remove any discharge.
Use a separate area of the cloth for each eye so you don’t risk spreading any infection. Check the ears weekly. If they look dirty, wipe them with a cotton ball or soft damp cloth with a mixture of 50-50 cider vinegar and warm water. Avoid using cotton swabs, which can damage the inner part of the ear.
Keep the litter box spotlessly clean. Cats are very particular about bathroom cleanliness, and a dirty box may cause them to start using other places in the house.
It is a good idea to keep a Bengal as an indoor cat to protect the Bengal from diseases spread by other cats, attacks from dogs or coyotes, and other dangers that outbound cats face. Like getting hit by a car. Keeping it indoors can also protect local birds and wildlife from this avid hunter.
If possible, make your Bengal a large outer circle where it can jump and climb safely. Bengals that go outside run the risk of being stolen by someone who wants such a beautiful cat without paying.
Click For Best Cat Food For Bengal Cat
Children And Other Pets
The active and social Bengal is a perfect choice for families with children and cat-friendly dogs. He will play like any retriever, learns tricks easily, and loves the attention he gets from children who treat him with humility and respect.
He’s smart enough to get out of the way of kids but loves school-age kids because they’re a match for his energy level and curiosity. Nothing scares him, certainly dogs, and he’ll happily befriend them if they don’t give him any trouble. Always introduce any pets, even other cats, slowly and in a controlled setting.
Like many active cats, Bengals have a high prey drive and should not be trusted with smaller prey animals such as hamsters, small rabbits, and guinea pigs.
Facts About Bengal Cat
- The Bengal’s graceful coat comes in many background colors, ranging from golden, rust, brown, and orange to sand, buff, and ivory. Bengal spots also vary in color, ranging from rust or cocoa and chocolate brown to charcoal or black.
- Some Bengal coats have striking rosettes or spots that are made up of more than one color, usually with a secondary color that is darker in that spot. Bengal coats also come in a marbled pattern: one or more colors interspersed in the background color. While most commonly seen in the brown-spotted tabby pattern, they can also be found in the marbled pattern.
- The Bengal’s coat can have hairs with an iridescent sheen, making it look as if it has been sprinkled with glitter.
Fun Facts About Bengal Cats
- Bengal cats were called Safari Cats until the 1970s when they were renamed to reflect the scientific name for the Asian Leopard Cat, which is Prionelurus bengalensis.
- Over the years, they have been revered as pets due to their wild feline appearance. In fact, it is reported that a woman in London paid $50,000 for her Bengali cat. This earned him the nickname the “Rolls Royce of Cats”.
- Bengal cats do not have your typical meow. They make a crackling noise that may sound more like a bark.
- These cats have very agile paws and have been known to turn light switches on and off.
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Bengal Cats
Ancient Wild Roots
The Bengal cat looks attractive and there is a good reason for this.
In the 1800s, the Bengal cat came into existence after an Asian leopard cat was bred with a domestic cat. It wasn’t until Jean Sugden Mill perfected the hybrid breed during the 1980s that the Bengal cat with a truly matching temperament became domesticated.
Water-Loving Felines
One common trait in Bengal cats: is their love for the water.
Don’t be surprised if your Bengal cat follows you for a dip in the pool or for a bath. This breed is fond of drinking water straight from the tap, swimming, and playing goofy with water when given the opportunity.
Glitter, Glitter on the Cat
Unique to Bengal’s Appearance: A lustrous-like sheen that adorns its fur coat, which has a smooth silky feel.
Bengals can have either a spotted or marbled coat pattern. The spots run along the sides and top of the body, and those that have two colors are usually referred to as “roasted”, as on jaguars. Symmetrical stripes run along the rest of the body, including the legs and tail.
While not all Bengals are born with a shiny jean coat, many are. Look for an iridescent glow in the cat’s coat that glows in the light.
Common Health Concerns for Bengal Cats
The most common health conditions for the Bengal cat breed.
in order of prevalence, based on Nationwide Pet Insurance policyholder claims in 2016 are:
- Lymphosarcoma (cancer in the lymphoid tissue)
- Chronic renal failure (kidney disease)
- upset stomach
- pancreatitis
- Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUDT)
Teach Me a Trick, Yo!
Another distinctive personality trait: Bengal cats love to learn and perform tricks. and perform over and over again.
Super smart and eager to please, Bengal cats are eager to learn tricks quickly – much like a dog – and repeat them incessantly.
So, try teaching your Bengal to fetch a ball – small enough for a cat – and see what more your Bengal can learn from there. The breed is known to learn even basic verbal commands.
Bengal Cat Review
Bengal Cat FAQ:
Can a Bengal cat be a house cat?
If you live in an urban area, you may want to consider keeping your Bengal cat indoors. However, if you have a male cat, and decide to let him outside, he will stray further if he is not neutered. This is because he will try to expand his territory as much as possible.
What 2 breeds make a Bengal cat?
Bengals are a hybrid cat breed. In the early 1900s, breeders crossed domesticated cats with Asian leopard cats, a small, wild species native to Southeast Asia. Asian leopard cats – also known as Felis bengalensis, where “Bengal” comes from – are known for their slender build and bushy appearance.
What is special about Bengal cats?
While many consider the Bengal to be a wild cat that only pretends to be a pet, this breed is actually very sweet and lovable. Bengal is closely attached to its people and is a loyal friend.
As a large, athletic cat, the Bengal needs to run, jump, and cry to be satisfied. He is a curious and alert cat.
Why you shouldn’t get a Bengal cat?
Bengal cats from their wild genes and hybrids can cause health and behavioral problems, including urinating around the house and having chronic diarrhea. Thor owners recommend first looking into animal rescues and shelters for a cats.
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