Pet AnimalsCat Breeds

Burmese Cat: Know About This Cat Breed Best Information

The Burmese cat is a breed of domestic cat, originating in Burma, believed to have originated near the Thai-Burma border, and developed in the United States and Britain.

Most modern lilac Burmese are descended from a female cat called the Wong Mau, which was brought to America from Burma in the 1930s and bred with American Siamese. From there, American and British breeders developed different Burmese breed standards, which are uncommon among pedigree domestic cats.

Most modern cat registries do not formally recognize the two as separate breeds but do recognize the British type as the European Burmese.

Originally, all Burmese cats were dark brown, but now they are available in a variety of colors; Its formal recognition also varies by the standard. Both versions of the breed are known for their unique social and playful natures and persistent vocalizations.

Burmese Breed Characteristics

Adaptability: 5 PointsEnergy Level: 4 PointsShedding Level: 3 Points
Affection Level: 5 PointsGrooming: 1 PointHealth Issues: 3 Points
Social Needs: 5 PointsChild Friendly: 4 PointsIntelligence: 5 Points
Stranger Friendly: 5 PointsDog Friendly: 5 Points

Burmese Cat Weight Chart

Height: 9–13 inchesWeight: 8–15 poundsBurmese cat LifeSpan: 10–17 years
white Burmese cat

History Of Burmese Cat

In 1871, Harrison Weir organized a cat show at the Crystal Palace. A pair of Siamese cats were exhibited that closely resembled modern American Burmese cats in build, thus probably being the same as the modern Tonkinese breed.

The first attempt to deliberately breed Burmese in Britain in the late 19th century resulted in what was known as Chocolate Siamese rather than a breed in their own right; This view persisted for many years, encouraging crossbreeding between Burmese and Siamese in an attempt to more closely conform to the Siamese build. The breed slowly died out in Britain.

Dr. Joseph Cheesman Thompson imported the brown female cat Wong Mau to San Francisco in the 1930s. Dr. Thompson considered the cat’s structure to be sufficiently different from that of the Siamese that it was still possible as a completely separate breed. Wong Mau was bred with Tai Mau, a Seal Point Siamese, and then bred with his son to produce dark brown kittens that became the foundation of a new, distinctive strain of Burmese. In 1936, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) formally recognized the breed.

However, due to continued extensive outcrossing with Siamese cats to increase the population, the original type became overwhelmed, and the CFA suspended recognition of the breed after a decade. Efforts by various American breeders to improve the unique Burmese standard continued, however, and in 1954, the CFA lifted the suspension permanently. In 1958, the United Burmese Cat Fanciers (UBCF) compiled the American Judging Standard which has remained essentially unchanged since its adoption.

Meanwhile, in the UK, interest in the breed was resurgent. The cats that formed the British breeding program were of various types, with some imported from America.

Governing Council of the Cat Fancy

By 1952, three correct generations had been produced in Britain, and the breed was recognized by the United Kingdom’s Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF). From the 1950s, Commonwealth and European countries began importing British Burmese; As a result, most countries have based their standards on the British model.

Historically, the two versions of the breed were strictly separated genetically. The British Burmese was recognized as a breed by the CFA in the 1980s. The GCCF banned the registration of all Burmese imported from America to preserve the “traditional” bloodline.

Most modern cat registries do not recognize these dual standards as formally representing separate breeds, but rather identify the British type as the European Burmese. Recently, the International Cat Association (TICA) and CFA clubs have begun using the American breed standard at select shows in Europe.

During the early period of the breed’s development, it became clear that the Wong Mau itself was genetically a hybrid between Siamese and Burmese types. This early hybrid breed was later developed into a separate breed, known today as the Tonkinese. sable Burmese cats are also playing an important role in the development of Bombay and Burmilla, among others.

Physical Attributes

The Body:
Medium in size, muscular in development, and presenting a compact appearance. A larger size is seen in males. An ample, rounded chest, with a level back from shoulder to tail.
Pleasingly round without a flat plane, whether viewed from the front or side. The face is filled with considerable width between the eyes and gently blends into a broad, well-developed short muzzle that maintains the rounded profile of the head. There is a visible nasal break in the profile. The chin is decidedly rounded, reflecting a proper bite. Their head sits on a well-developed neck.
The Ear:
Medium in size, well separated, broad at the base, and rounded at the tips. Tilting slightly forward, the ears contribute to an alert appearance.
The Eyes:
Wide, set away with a round aperture.
Feet and Claws:
Legs in proper proportion to the body. Claw round. Five toes in front and four in back.
The Tail:
Straight, medium length.
fine, glossy, satin-like texture; A short and very close lie.
Sable, champagne, blue, platinum.



So this will be slightly different depending on where you live. In fact, there are two Burmese cats. Although they originated from the same stock and most cat registries do not consider them genetically separate breeds, there are still clear differences between American Burmese and European Burmese.

The European Burmese is the slimmer of the two, with a wedge-shaped head, small, dry ears, and almond-shaped eyes. Meanwhile, the American Burmese has a particularly large head, ears that are slightly wider at the base than the European, and eyes that are rounder and more expressive.

Regardless of the standard, all Burmese cats come with very short, silky coats, traditionally of a single, solid color. Originally, all Burmese were sable, but by the mid-20th century, Burmese cats were seen in colors such as fawn, blue, and lilac.

Currently, the British Standard recognizes solid brown, chocolate, blue, lilac, red, and cream, as well as tortoiseshell patterns on a base of brown, chocolate, blue, or lilac, while the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) standard still recognizes Burmese as only solid sable, blue, Recognized in champagne (chocolate) and platinum (lilac).


Burmese cats are affectionate, playful, and highly social. Expressing a number of tendencies described as “dog-like”, Burmese people develop strong loyalty bonds with their humans and have been described as “Velcro cats”, wanting to spend as much time as possible around their people. As such, Burmese are not as well suited to solitude as some other breeds and can develop stressful behaviors such as aggressive grooming if left alone for long periods of time.

Burmese enjoy the company of humans, whether they are seniors, children, or somewhere in between. They also do very well in multi-cat households and can learn to tolerate (at least) the family dog ​​very quickly.

Burmese are very bright cats and enjoy performing for their people. Owners have reported that their Burmese stops in the middle of some spirited play to see if their humans are watching them before continuing. Additionally, they are more heavily disposed to playing games with their people than many other breeds, quickly preferring the nuances of fetch, tag, hide and seek, and other games.

Additionally, if cat shows are your thing, Burmese cats are well known for their willingness to show off. They enjoy being the center of attention and love to perform for a crowd.

One possible caveat for owners: Burmese are not quiet cats. True to the Siamese traces in their ancestry, Burmese are always more than happy to talk to you during their day, although they have a softer, less intense voice than their Siamese cousins.

Burmese Cat Personality


Many say Burmese are fun, playful, and super-smart, the perfect interactive cats for the home – or anywhere people need love and entertainment. Devoted, affectionate cats, Burmese are often loyal and people-oriented. Burmese will give you unconditional love even when you are not the most loved one.

Burmese never grow up. They are just as fun at 16 weeks as they are at 16. These streaks of brown lightning love to perform animated acts to entertain you and them.

Full of high-spirited playfulness, they love to entertain their families by daringly jumping on top of bookcases, pausing only to make sure their audience is watching.

If their antics go unnoticed, they immediately descend and fix you with an impish stare, demanding attention. Burmese is a very determined breed and will win any battle of wills.

There may be differences in temperament between adult males and females. Women are intelligent, highly curious, active, and deeply emotionally involved with their human companions. Males are also totally devoted to their humans but are a bit more moderate in temperament.

After a game of fetch or hide and seek, they usually like to stay on top of what you’re doing. The only point about which they are passionately concerned is the chosen meal and how soon it will be served.

Burmese people have a unique sensibility in their voice and when they talk too much they make a cat-like grunt. However, the Burmese are not as talkative as their Siamese neighbors, unless they have something important to convey. Then they’ll repeat the message over and over until you pull out your universal cat/human translator and take care of whatever is bothering them.

Burmese Cat Health

All cats have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all humans are prone to hereditary diseases. Any breeder who claims his breed has no health or genetic problems is either lying or is uninformed about the breed.

Run, don’t walk, from any breeder who doesn’t offer health guarantees on kittens, who tells you the breed is 100 percent healthy and has no known problems, or who tells you their kittens are different from the mainstream. Family for health reasons.

Burmese are generally healthy, but there are some health conditions you should be aware of. Some Burmese may have cranial deformities, glaucoma, or feline hyperesthesia syndrome, which results in increased sensitivity to touch or painful stimuli.

They may also be at risk for calcium oxalate stones in the urinary tract. It is always wise to buy from a breeder who has a written health guarantee.

Remember that after you take a new kitten into your home, you have the power to protect her from one of the most common health problems: obesity.

Keeping a Burmese at the right weight is the easiest way to protect his overall health. Make the most of your preventive abilities to ensure a healthy cat for life.

Common Health issues

Burmese cats in Europe and Australia have a higher risk of diabetes mellitus than other breeds. Because of genetic differences between American Burmese and other Burmese, American Burmese do not share this increased risk. The incidence of flat-chested kitten syndrome was once thought to be particularly prevalent in the Burmese breed, but recent studies have cast some doubt on this hypothesis. A study funded by the UK Burmese Cat Club in 1980 was inconclusive. The average lifespan of the breed is 10 to 17 years.

Some UK bloodlines suffer from the severe teething disorder in young kittens (FOPS: Feline Orofacial Pain Syndrome), where the eruption of a second tooth causes extreme discomfort, and the young cat tears into its face to try to relieve the pain.

Eruption of new teeth in the jaw causes problems; These cannot be removed until they rupture, by which time the problem has stopped. To prevent self-injury, pain relief interventions should be considered. Apart from the scars caused by self-mutilation, the cat seems to have fully recovered.


Hypokalemia, a genetic disease characterized by low serum potassium levels, also occurs in British Burmese and can similarly be traced to certain bloodlines. The gene is recessive, and both parents must carry it for the kittens to develop the problem.

A carrier mated to a non-carrier can pass the problem on undetected for several generations. Clinical signs include skeletal muscle weakness, which is often episodic in nature and either affects the entire cat or is localized to the neck muscles. As a result, cats may have difficulty walking and holding their head up properly.

In extreme cases, clinical symptoms can lead to death if not treated medically. Hypokalemic cats can usually lead normal lives if they receive adequate potassium supplementation. Symptoms often begin around puberty and many never experience another attack. A DNA test is now available to identify cats affected by or carrying this recessive gene.

Grooming and Care

Music to some pet parents’ ears, Burmese cats are very low maintenance when it comes to grooming. With a short, sleek coat that doesn’t shed much, these cats only need a quick brushing once a week. It’s also essential that you brush your cat’s teeth a few times a week, making sure to use only cat-safe toothpaste and rewarding your companion for sitting still during this process.

Other common grooming items include trimming their nails, which may need to be done a few times a month, and cleaning their ears whenever they look dirty. For ear cleaning, make sure you use an ear-safe cleaning solution and never use cotton swabs, as they can accidentally cause injury.

It is important that you start your cat’s grooming routine as soon as possible to help your friend become compliant. Plus, a regular grooming routine can help your pet look and feel better.

When it comes to day-to-day care, it’s crucial that you feed your cat a nutritious diet. It’s almost guaranteed that your cat’s dietary needs will change throughout its lifetime, so be sure to talk to your vet about what age food choices are best. Also, don’t forget to consider how much your cat eats at each meal. Nutritious food won’t help your cat stay healthy if they’re always overfed.

Blue Burmese Cat Kitten

Some Food Products For Burmese cats & Burmese Kittens

Coat and color

In any standard, the coat should be very short, fine, and shiny with a satin-like finish. The color is solid and should be uniform over the body, with only gradual shading on the lighter underparts. Faint pigment markings may be visible, but any obstruction or spotting is considered a serious defect. Eyes are green or golden depending on coat color.

The original standard color of the breed is a distinctively rich dark brown, known variously as sable (USA), brown (UK, Australia), or seal (New Zealand). It is the result of the Burmese gene (CB), which is part of the albino category.

This gene causes a decrease in the amount of pigment produced, turning black into brown and making all other colors paler than their normal expression. The gene’s action also produces a modified pigment effect, which is more noticeable in young kittens.

First blue Burmese born

The first blue Burmese was born in Britain in 1955, followed in subsequent decades by reds, creams, and tortoiseshells. Champagne (“chocolate” in the UK) first appeared in America. Platinum (UK “lilac”), the last major type to appear, was similarly developed in America in 1971. Currently, the British GCCF standard recognizes solid brown, chocolate, blue, lilac, red, and cream, as well as tortoiseshell patterns. On a brown, chocolate, blue, or lilac base.

In America, champagne, blue, and platinum cats were formally recognized as a separate breed, the Malayan, in 1979. This distinction was abolished in 1984, but until 2010, the CFA continued to place Burmese in a separate division and bundled them all together. Determine other acceptable colors in the “thin section” and separately. Currently, the CFA standard still recognizes Burmese only in solid sable, blue, champagne, and platinum.

Other colors have been developed from this initial base set, with varying degrees of popularity and recognition. A cinnamon breeding program was initiated in the Netherlands in 1989; The first cubs were born in 1998. Cinnamon, Fawn, Caramel, and Apricot Burmese have also been developed in New Zealand, as have tortoiseshell variants of all these colors.

A new color variation (“russet”) appeared in New Zealand in 2007. This line has dark pigment in the cat’s coats at first, which fades as they grow, and eventually becomes a pale orange color.

Living With:

Burmese are good climbers and jumpers and should have cat trees and perches. The Burmese is a strong, stocky cat and attention must be paid to their nutrition to prevent obesity, especially if the cat is not getting enough exercise.

While adult Burmese are calm cats, they are also very kittenish and love their daily playtime. They love to be adored by their parents and love to have their bellies rubbed and held. A daily petting session is a must for any Burmese.

Adopting a Cat from Burmese Rescue or a Shelter

Fun Facts About Burmese Cat

  1. Also known in Burmese as Thongdaeng or Supphalak, both meaning “copper-colored” in Thai.
  2. European Burmese are sometimes called British Burmese, and American Burmese are also known as contemporary Burmese.
  3. New colors such as cinnamon, fawn, caramel, apricot, and russet have become more common for Burmese cats in New Zealand.
  4. The Burmese gene responsible for their dark-brown or sable-colored coat is part of the albino series of genes. In other words, this gene reduces the amount of pigment in Burmese hair, making the black coat lighter.
  5. These cats love to watch the world go by, so don’t be surprised if you find your Burmese perched on a windowsill or on top of a tall shelf.
  6. The Burmese cat has influenced many other cat breeds, including the Burmilla, Tonkinese, and Bombay.

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Burmese Cat-Breed Review

Burmese Cat Breed FAQs

How much does it cost for a Burmese cat?

A Burmese kitten can cost anything between $600 to $1,000. With a higher price tag if you’re looking for a specific color. Blue Burmese kittens are especially popular. Burmese from well-known breeders cost $1,200 – $2500/kitten. #burmese cat black

How long does a Burmese cat live?

Eighteen to twenty years
Burmese cats live very long and eighteen to twenty years of age is common. Even older Burmese will occasionally act like kittens and have a crazy moment charging around the house like something. Once a Burmese reaches about eight years of age, it’s probably wise to have it checked by your vet.

What colors do Burmese cats come in?

The four colors we now recognize in CFA are sable, a rich dark brown; Champagne, warm beige; Platinum, light gray with fawn undertones; and blue, gray with a medium gray undertone. Burmese cats are surprisingly heavy for their size. Their coats are short and close, and they have a very silky texture.

What is a Burmese Siamese Cross called?

The Tonkinese is a domestic cat breed produced by crossbreeding between Siamese and Burmese. Members of the breed have characteristic lively, playful personality traits of their parents and are similarly distinguished by pointed coat patterns in various colors.

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